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Organic Nigella

46,60  /kg

A 60 cm-high, annual herbaceous plant, nigella is also known as black cumin. Healing all ills since ancient times, it contains anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal principles. You can use it to sprinkle on breads, pastries, naans or cheeses. It is an ingredient in the Panch Phoron blend and in Ras-el-Hanout.

SKU: NIGE Category: Tag:
Further information

Black cumin, which produces small, aromatic, intensely black seeds, is often confused with onion seeds (Allium cepa) or those of true black cumin (Cuminum sp.). Thanks to its lemony, slightly pungent aroma, it is still present in many cuisines, such as in India, where its seeds are used to garnish traditional breads and naans, as well as salads, rice and fish...
They are also used in Panch phoran, the Bengali 5-spice blend of cumin, fennel, mustard, fenugreek and black cumin.

Common name: Black cumin
Botanical name: Nigella sativa
Part used: Seed
Botanical family Renonculaceae
Origin: Egypt
Harvest time: ND
Harvesting technique: Mechanical
Storage: Dry
Cultivated / Wild: Cultivated
Guarantee: Organic, certified by Ecocert, F-32600 l'Isle Jourdain

Storage: Protect from heat, light and humidity.

Forme: Entière
Aspect: Graines piriformes striées
Granulométrie, taille: < 2mm
Couleur: Noir
Odeur: Caractéristique
Saveur: Caractéristique

Weight 50 g

70g box, 50g pouch, 100g pouch, 200g pouch, 500g pouch

Botanical nomenclature

Whole seed





