In India, sesame seeds are considered a symbol of immortality, and perhaps this is one of the reasons for the exceptional longevity of the Japanese, for whom gomasio is one of their flagship condiments? What is gomasio? On paper, nothing could be simpler: sesame seeds and salt. But not just any sesame, nor just any salt. For the sesame, choose organic wholegrain (blond or black); for the salt, a sea salt such as fleur de...Continue Reading
Clearly, we're not all in the same boat when it comes to buying tomatoes as summer approaches. Of course, we'd be well advised to avoid imported, graded tomatoes straight from northern Europe, after having transited by truck or plane through the Mediterranean basin, if not further afield... In short, we all know the drill, but I always prefer to come back to it, because nothing beats local consumption of fresh produce. It's...Continue Reading
A friend asked me to make him a special organic gingerbread mix (he's from the Dijon region, so his request came as no surprise). Admittedly, it's not the height of the season (though?), but it still has major nutritional benefits, especially for marathon runners and trailers. Gingerbread is a sportsman's cake! Nothing too complicated, you might say: flour, honey, organic spices, but you've still got to use the right ones. Here's how...Continue Reading
It's spring, and summer is fast approaching - on the 21st we'll be there. Barbecues and salads will be the order of the day for a few months, with aperitifs and fine dining among friends and family. I've prepared 3 "special barbecue" blends, one traditional, one west-facing and one east-facing. The latter is an Indian "tandoori-style" blend that will allow you to season your skewers and chicken/turkey fillets the way Indian malsachi do. A Jaipur atmosphere for this opening...Continue Reading