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Organic dried apricots

16,20  /kg

Our dried apricots are perfectly moist, untreated and Good Food Foundation-certified. They are harvested, pitted and sun-dried by hand.

Further information

What is organic dried apricot?

The apricot, a member of the Rosaceae family, does not originate from Armenia, contrary to the Latin name of the species(prunus armeniaca L.) [ Linné thought so, as the Greeks called it Mailon Armeniacon]. In fact, it has been cultivated in the high mountainous regions of northeast China for over 4,000 years.

After crossing India, the apricot tree made its way along the Silk Road, thanks to Alexander the Great, to the Middle East and finally to the Greeks and Romans.
Imported from Italy in the 15th century, it owes its success in France to Louis XIV's gardener Jean-Baptiste de la Quintinie, who planted apricot trees in the gardens of Versailles. The brown apricots, originally from Turkey, come from the Good Food Foundation organic and fair trade project. Sun-dried and pitted by hand, they are not treated with sulfur dioxide, which gives them their brown color and unmistakable flavor.

What are the properties of organic dried apricots?

Brown dried apricots have a relatively low glycemic index (1). It can be eaten occasionally or on a daily basis. In this case, don't eat more than a few apricots.
It is recommended for...
- everyone (children, teenagers, students, pregnant or breastfeeding women, mobile and sedentary workers...): thanks to its flavonoids(2) (antioxidants), apricots help neutralize free radicals.
- athletes: apricots provide an important carbohydrate and mineral recharge: they supply carbohydrates that are easily assimilated by the body, vitamins A (carotenoids including beta-carotene), B and K, iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, all of which are necessary for muscular work and recovery.
- the elderly: who suffer from intestinal sluggishness and are looking for a healthy, easily digestible "sweetness"; the fibers in brown apricots gently stimulate transit.
- Tired people: helps combat temporary functional asthenia, by replenishing the body with energy and minerals.
- vegetarians, vegans/vegetarians: for all the nutrients it provides.

Consumption of organic brown apricots :

Depending on your mood, you can enjoy it plain or as a snack... A delight! As a sugar substitute, it can be added in small cubes to your dairy products. Use it in desserts, fresh fruit salads, compotes, desserts...
Slip it into sweet and savory fillings, and use it to accompany meats (roast pork, duck, etc.), stews and the famous oriental tajines.

(1) GI or glycemic index: used to determine how quickly a food's carbohydrates (sugars) are released into the body.
The lower a food's GI, the more gradually the sugar is released, ensuring stable, balanced blood sugar levels (food to be valued). Because too many sugars in the blood → storage of sugars, fatigues the body, encourages snacking.
(2) Karakaya S, El SN, Tas AA. Antioxidant activity of some foods containing phenolic compounds. Int J Food Sci Nutr 2001 November; 52(6):501-8

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